Procedimento de desenhos de família com estórias

The Family Drawing with Story Procedure – DFE – and the life script: a study with three generations

SOUZA, M. T. S. The Family Drawing with Story Procedure – DFE – and the life script: a study with three generations In: Anais do XXVII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF PSYCHOLOGY. Estocolmo, Suécia. Estocolmo: IUPsyS, 2000. p. 261

Goals and Methods: The Family Drawing with Story Procedure was introduced by TRINCA (1978) and has been used widely in the diagnostic investigation about family dynamics. In this study it was applied in three family groups composed by three generations to evaluate the influences that are transmitted through the generations and its relations to the people’s life script. Results: The results show efficiency of the procedure in the apprehension of the generation’s perception about family concept and the influence of all these aspects on the construction of the individual life script.

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